How to make money freelancing online

Freelancing can be done around almost any type of work. Many people ask which jobs can earn maximum income by freelancing. In this post I will know about the jobs that you can earn more money by freelancing. Information from Upwork is used here.

How to make money freelancing online

Copy Writing

A freelance copywriter writes newsletters, advertisements, emails, e-books, articles or any other type of compelling copy. Although copywriting gig earnings vary from location to location, a copywriter can earn anywhere from $19 to $45 per hour. This amount may be more or less according to experience.

Web Designing

Almost all fields require a website, and if you are a web designer, there are plenty of income opportunities. It is important to have multiple skills when it comes to website design. A web designer earns anywhere from $15 to $30 or more per hour. The demand for web designers and developers will increase by 13 percent by 2030, so if you are a web designer, you can make a good amount of money using your skills.

Digital Marketing

The job of a digital marketer is to increase the online presence of a business or individual by generating leads and increasing sales. SEO, email marketing, social media marketing, content marketing, online advertising, etc. are the skills required to become a digital marketing manager. A digital marketer can earn anywhere from $15 to $45+ per hour.

Copy Editing

An editor reviews and revises various texts. An editor checks that the information given is correct, besides looking at various aspects of writing, such as syntax, punctuation, flow, style, etc. An editor plays an important role in creating high-quality content. To be an editor one must be more skilled than all other writers. An editor earns between $20 and $40 per hour.

Web Development

A web developer uses his advanced programming skills to create websites. These freelancing jobs usually require a front-end or back-end or full-stack developer. Front-end developers take care of the external aspects of the website, such as design and visuals. On the other hand, back-end developers control the content of the website. And a full-stack developer is good at both. A web developer earns $15 to $30+ per hour.

Media Buying

A media buying expert helps a business decide ad placement based on specific budget and needs. This ad can be for physical, print, digital or broadcast media. A media buyer expert works to find the best advertising opportunities for their clients. A media buying expert can earn anywhere from $50 to $200 per hour.

Data Analysis

Just by hearing the name, you can understand what the work of a data analyst can be. While most companies have in-house data analysts, there is a huge demand for data analysts on freelancing platforms. A data analyst can earn from $20 to $50 per hour.

Business Consultancy

Companies hire business consultants to address various business challenges. Basically a business consultant provides important guidance about the business. A freelance business consultant can earn anywhere from $28 to $98 per hour.


A programmer usually creates various types of apps for computers and mobiles by writing code. A programmer also performs various maintenance routines and fixes technical problems. Programming freelance gigs can earn anywhere from $15 to $30+ per hour.

Virtual Assistance

Clients hire virtual assistants for various administrative tasks such as data entry, calendar organization or email communication. A virtual assistant does things like restaurant reservations, medical appointments or shopping on behalf of the client. Basically busy businessmen hire freelancers for this type of work. A virtual assistant earns anywhere from $12 to $20 per hour.

Public Relations Management

A public relations manager helps an organization develop an effective PR strategy, which creates a positive image of the company. Creating press releases, communicating with important media, dealing with critical moments, etc. are the tasks of a PR manager. A PR manager can earn anywhere from $50 to $100 per hour.

So if you are skilled in any of the above jobs then you can earn by freelancing according to your skills. Comment your questions or queries or opinions!

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