13 Amazing Health Benefits of Honey
Honey has been consumed by people of all walks of life since ancient times as 'nutritional and energizing'. In Ayurveda and Unani medicine, honey is called a great medicine. Honey is a sweet and thick liquid with highly medicinal properties, which bees and other insects make from the nectar of flowers and preserves the comb.
Today, we will present to you, various information about honey, why should you eat honey? What are the benefits of eating honey? What are the benefits of consuming honey and many more questions answered?
First we know the food ingredients of honey:
Nutrient rich honey contains about 45 nutrients. Pollen honey contains 25 to 37 percent glucose, 34 to 43 percent fructose, 0.5 to 3.0 percent sucrose, and 5 to 12 percent montose. 100 grams of honey contains 288 calories. There are also 22 percent amino acids, 28 percent mineral salts and 11 percent enchyme. It does not contain fat and protein. Honey contains vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, iodine, zinc and copper along with antibacterial and antimicrobial properties that not only protect our external body, but also our internal organs.
Why eat honey?
Honey is a very beneficial food obtained from nature. It has been used since ancient times to cure diseases and as an antidote. It is termed as Maha medicine in medicine. In the hadith of the Qur'an, honey is also mentioned.
- Honey prevents heart disease and boosts immunity.
- Honey helps blood circulation by dilating blood vessels and increases heart function.
- Honey cleans and strengthens teeth and improves eyesight and memory.
- Antioxidants in honey prevent cancer and protect cells from free radical damage.
- The calories in honey increase the amount of hemoglobin in the blood, especially for those suffering from anemia, regular consumption of honey is very beneficial.
- Honey regulates glycogen levels and is beneficial in various stomach ailments.
- Honey is beneficial for ulcers and gastric diseases, also regular consumption of honey slows aging.
- Very useful for mouth ulcers in children.
- Honey rich in vitamin-B complex and calcium strengthens nerve and brain tissue.
- Honey relieves constipation and increases appetite and digestion.
- Honey purifies the blood and strengthens the body and lungs.
- Honey removes bad breath and relieves arthritis pain.
- Honey is very useful in sore throat, cough-asthma and cold.
- Honey removes physical weakness and increases body temperature, thereby keeping the body healthy, fresh and active.
The right way to consume honey:
If you consume honey in the right way, you will get great benefits, but if you consume it in the wrong way, it can cause various complications.
- It is not right to mix honey with hot water or hot milk.
- Never eat honey hot or cooked.
- If you want to have honey with milk, cool the milk first.
- The best time to consume honey is in the morning on an empty stomach.
- Old honey is more effective than freshly collected honey.
- Mix raw honey with lemon juice to reduce acidity.
- Take a spoonful of honey before every heavy meal to relieve digestive problems.
- Mixing cinnamon powder with honey gives good results to remove blood vessel problems. Also, regular consumption of this mixture of honey and cinnamon reduces the risk of heart attack.
- Mixing lemon juice and honey helps in weight loss and keeps the liver clean.
- Consuming chickpeas with honey daily gives good results to reduce sexual weakness.
- A mixture of two teaspoons of honey and betel leaf juice cures colds and coughs.
- A teaspoon of Tulsi leaf juice mixed with equal amount of honey relieves cough in no time.
- Young bark of young bel and mango tree mixed with jaggery and honey in flour cures dysentery.
- Jaggery mixed with honey stops vomiting.
- A teaspoon of ginger juice and a teaspoon of honey mixed together in the morning and evening cures colds and increases appetite.
Benefits of consuming honey:
Consuming honey has many benefits, it helps prevent diseases as well as acts as an antidote.
Honey in Anemia: Honey is very effective in anemia as it helps in the formation of hemoglobin in the blood. Because, it contains a lot of copper, iron and manganese.
Honey for curing respiratory problems and lung diseases: It is said that honey is beneficial in all lung diseases. If an asthma patient holds honey to his nose and inhales, he will be able to inhale normally. Many people think that one year old honey is good for respiratory problems.
Honey to relieve constipation: Honey contains vitamin B-complex. It relieves diarrhea and constipation. Drinking 1 teaspoon of pure honey in the morning relieves constipation and acidity.
Honey to improve digestion: The sugars it contains are easily digested. Because, the dextrin it contains, directly enters the blood and acts immediately. Honey is particularly beneficial for Petroga people.
Honey for sexual impotence: In men who have sexual impotence, if they consume honey and chickpeas daily, they will get a lot of benefits.
Honey for dehydration: In case of diarrhoea, drinking 50 ml of honey mixed with one liter of water can prevent dehydration in the body.
Honey to maintain youth: Honey plays an essential role in maintaining youth. It is anti-oxidant, which improves skin tone and complexion. Prevents skin wrinkles and aging. Increases the overall strength and youth of the body.
Honey for Asthma: Mix half gram of ground pepper with equal amount of honey and ginger. Consume this mixture at least three times a day. It helps prevent asthma.
Honey for heart disease: A spoonful of fennel powder mixed with one or two spoons of honey acts as a tonic for heart disease. It strengthens the heart muscle and increases its efficiency.
Honey to reduce high blood pressure: Mix two spoons of honey with one spoon of garlic juice. Consume this mixture twice in the morning and evening. Its regular use reduces high blood pressure. It should be taken one hour before every morning meal.
Honey for weight loss: Honey does not contain any fat. Cleanses the stomach, reduces fat, resulting in weight loss.
Honey in bone and teeth formation: Calcium is an important ingredient in honey. Calcium keeps teeth, bones, hair roots strong, increases shine of nails, prevents brittleness.
Honey to keep the body fresh: It keeps the body warm in winter cold. One or two teaspoons of honey with a cup of boiled water keeps the body clean and fresh.