Oral or Mouths Cancer Symptoms

Neglecting any problem turns into a big problem. And before any disease there are some symptoms. By looking at them, it is easy to identify the disease. But we always pay attention to the big signs. But there are some signs that are minor. But these are the initial symptoms, through which the disease can be identified first. There are some early symptoms of oral cancer, which we often ignore. This is not correct at all.

Oral or Mouths Cancer Symptoms

Let's know about the initial symptoms of oral cancer-

Difficulty swallowing anything

Cancer often makes it difficult to chew food, swallow or move the tongue. Sometimes it is difficult to speak. So it is not right to avoid these symptoms. However, these problems can also be caused by other reasons. However, if such a problem occurs, it is better to get tested.

tooth problem

According to Dr. Bipin Goel, tooth decay can indicate the risk of oral cancer. Cigarettes, alcohol consumption and neglect of oral health are responsible for poor dental condition.

Pain when opening the mouth

This is another symptom of mouth cancer. In addition to chewing and swallowing food, pain may also be felt when opening the mouth. If such problems occur, you must consult a professional doctor.

How to Diagnose Oral Cancer Dr. Goel says a biopsy and imaging are used to diagnose the disease and determine the extent of the cancer. Treatment is based on the type, location and stage of cancer at the time of diagnosis.


Cancer treatment is very expensive. Also it is very difficult. So stay away from its causes as much as possible. Tobacco is the most responsible for mouth cancer. Also, various other diseases are caused due to tobacco. So tobacco should be avoided.

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